
How do I send money from a service point location?
  • Simply fill out the required form and present your identification card to the cashier
  • Cashier will inform you about the rate and other details on the request form
  • Pay in cash and sign the receipt
  • In addition to the remitting amount, you must also pay any charges applicable
What do I need to send money or pick up money from a service point location?

Sending and / or receiving money at the service point is possible only with the valid identification document (ID). The acceptable ID documents may vary by country. Generally, following identity documents are accepted:

  • International Passport
  • Personal / National identity card
  • Most of the digital residence/work permit cards issued in the EEA

In case your ID is not showing your actual address you may be asked to provide a proof of your resident address.

For further information please ask the cashier, if your identity proof is not on the above list.

How much money can I send?
  • For transfers within Greece you can usually send any amount you wish.
  • For transfers from Greece to abroad, there is a capital control limit of 4000 € / per person / per 2 months.
  • Each country may have different restrictions

Notice: for certain amounts, transfers and situations, you may have to provide additional information or documentation as per the Greek law on customer due diligence.

When can I send money?

You can transfer money anytime at service point locations during their business hours. For further information about working hours, please contact your nearby service Point Location or Customer Service.

How can I find out if my money transfer has been paid?

Once the transfer has been paid out to the receiver, you will also get a notification SMS. "Depends on whether the selected company provides this service". Otherwise you may contact customer service for details.

How do I pick up a money transfer?

Please complete the receiving form in the service point location and notify the agent with the reference number, the receiving amount and the origin country, in addition the proper identification. The agent will proceed with your payment along with a receipt copy.